15 Things You Should Pack for Your Next Cruise Ship

Sky Princess

Going on a cruise is an exciting adventure, offering a unique blend of relaxation and exploration. To make the most of your trip packing the right items is essential. Here are 15 must-have items for your next cruise ship vacation.

  1. Travel documents

Ensure you have all necessary travel documents, including your passport, cruise tickets and any required visas. Keep them in a secure, easily accessible place, like a travel wallet or a zippered pouch.

  1. Comfortable walking shoes

Cruises often involve a lot of walking, both on the ship and during shore excursions. Pack a pair of comfortable walking shoes to keep your feet happy and blister-free.

  1. Casual daywear

Bring lightweight and comfortable clothing for daytime activities. Think shorts, T-shirts, sundresses and light sweaters for cooler indoor areas. Breathable fabrics like cotton and linen are ideal.

  1. Formal attire

Many cruises have formal nights where dress codes are enforced. Pack at least one formal outfit, such as a cocktail dress or a suit, to ensure you’re prepared for these special evenings.

  1. Swimwear

A cruise isn’t complete without some pool or beach time. Pack a few swimsuits so you can always have a dry one ready. Don’t forget a cover-up for walking around the ship.

  1. Pyjamas

Comfortable sleepwear is a must. If you’re cruising to a warm destination, sleeping dresses from Cool-Jams are an excellent choice. These are made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that help regulate your body temperature for a good night’s sleep.

  1. Sun protection

Protect your skin from the harsh sun with a good sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat and UV-protective sunglasses. Remember to reapply sunscreen regularly, especially after swimming.

Ruby Princess pool deck

  1. Toiletries

While most cruises provide basic toiletries, it’s always a good idea to bring your favourites. Pack travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, and any other personal care items you need.

  1. Medications

Bring any prescription medications you need, along with over-the-counter remedies for common issues like motion sickness, headaches and allergies. A small first-aid kit can also be useful.

  1. Electronics

Don’t forget your phone, charger, and any other electronics you may need. If you plan on taking a lot of photos, consider bringing a camera or an extra memory card for your phone. In general, a smartphone should be more than enough to keep you entertained during boring times.

  1. Reusable water bottle

Stay hydrated by bringing a reusable water bottle. Many ships have water stations where you can refill your bottle throughout the day.

  1. Power strip

Cabins often have limited electrical outlets. A power strip or a multi-USB charger can help you keep all your devices charged and ready to go.

  1. Small backpack or tote bag

A small backpack or tote bag is handy for carrying your essentials during shore excursions. Look for one that is lightweight and has secure closures.

  1. Reading material

Bring along a book, e-reader, or some magazines for some relaxing downtime on the ship. Whether you’re lounging by the pool or relaxing in your cabin, having something to read is always a good idea.

  1. Laundry supplies

Some cruises offer laundry facilities or services, but it can be expensive. Consider bringing a small bag of laundry detergent and a travel clothesline to wash a few items in your cabin sink.

Photographs courtesy of Princess Cruises

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